What if you test positive for COVID-19?

(Last Updated On: March 31, 2021)

You’ve tested positive for COVID-19 and are anxious about what to do next?


We understand that you must be having so many questions popping up in your mind. Let’s look at some of the frequently asked questions and better understand what we can do to help ourselves.


When to contact a Doctor?

The first and crucial question that comes to our mind is whether we should visit the doctor straight away or wait. A simple answer is to consult a doctor immediately over a call instead of visiting the hospital or clinic. You risk carrying the virus which can be harmful for people who will come in contact with you in the due course of time. Patients should call a doctor immediately incase of any breathing discomfort or any pain in their chest. 


How and why to monitor Oxygen Level at home?

Often patients don’t feel breathing problems even when their blood oxygen level is low, creating problems in later phases. Patients should regularly monitor their oxygen saturation level using an oximeter. A reading of 96% or higher is considered healthy, while if it is 95% or lower, you should immediately contact a Doctor.


How and when to Quarantine yourself?

If the entire family is tested positive and proven clinically as mild/asymptotic, then they can quarantine together at home. While if only one person is tested positive, that person should immediately isolate. Experts recommend that other family members should also get themselves tested, and all should wear masks at all times in shared spaces. Even if the bathroom is shared, everyone should wipe down the surface with a disinfectant after every use. If you use any furniture, wipe it properly with a disinfectant. 


When to end the quarantine?

Generally, the patients who have mild symptoms and remain healthy can end the quarantine in 14 days, while those hospitalized and had severe conditions should follow along 20 days of quarantine.


The most important thing is to remain calm and not panic in case you test positive. Doctors recommend staying hydrated throughout the day to keep yourself healthy and for a speedy recovery. On experiencing symptoms or coming in contact with an infected person, you must isolate immediately. Find diagnostic centers nearest to you and book the RT-PCR test via www.surite.in or call on 6292262922.


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